Elastic-Stack-as-a-Service on
Kubernetes with Robin
Cloud-native Elastic Stack for your enterprise
The Robin Cloud Native Platform extends Kubernetes with built-in storage, networking, and application management to deliver a production-ready solution for the Elastic Stack, otherwise known as the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana). Robin automates the provisioning and management of ELK clusters so you can deliver an “as-a-service” experience with one-click simplicity to your developers, operation teams, and data scientists.

Use cases
Self-service experience
Self-service provisioning in an app-store experience
Create a private app-store that your developers, operations teams and data scientists can use to provision ELK clusters, eliminating IT tickets and procedural delays. Robin has automated the end-to-end cluster provisioning process for the ELK Stack, including custom stacks with different versions and combinations of Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Beats, and Kafka. The entire provisioning process takes only a few minutes.
On-demand scaling
Don’t overprovision, scale as you need
You can scale-up by adding more memory, CPU, or storage resources, or scale-out by adding more data nodes with simple one-click operations. With Robin, there is no need to create IT tickets and Robin gives you the flexibility to scale without any disruption or downtime to your ELK Stack.
Reduced hardware costs
Get more out of your hardware
Robin provides performance isolation and RBAC to consolidate multiple ELK workloads without compromising SLAs and QoS. Consolidating multiple ELK workloads and ensuring data locality for data nodes for better performance reduces hardware footprint. You can also reduce your hardware costs by sharing compute resources between clusters. If an ELK cluster runs the majority of its batch jobs during the night, it can borrow resources from an adjacent ELK cluster with day-time peaks, and vice versa.
Enterprise-grade security and HA
Rest assured your data is secure and available
Robin’s native encryption-at-rest brings an extra layer of security to your ELK deployment, and rack-aware placement rules for master and data nodes provide a reliable, production-ready HA setup.