Cassandra: Quality of Service

Cassandra: Quality of Service

Robin Hyper-Converged Kubernetes Platform for NoSql databases such as Cassandra

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Cassandra: Quality of Service Control

Cassandra QoS – Quality of Service

Guaranteed Availability and Performance

  • Eliminate cluster sprawl with data pipeline components on the same shared hardware
  • Enable multi-tenancy with performance isolation and dynamic performance controls
  • Leverage dynamic QoS controls for every resource – CPU, memory, network and storage

Robin eliminates cluster sprawl by deploying a data pipeline on shared hardware. This also results in better hardware utilization. The key to successful multi-tenancy is the ability to provide performance isolation and dynamic performance controls. The Robin application-aware fabric controller equips each virtual cluster with dynamic QoS controls for every resource that it depends on – CPU, memory, network, and storage. This creates a truly elastic infrastructure that delivers CPU, memory, network and storage resources – both capacity and performance – to an application exactly at the instant it is needed.

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