Robin Webinar: Unlocking Multi-Cloud Portability for Stateful Apps on Kubernetes

Unlocking Multi-Cloud Portability for Stateful Apps on Kubernetes
As the era of digital transformation unfolds, enterprises are increasingly shifting their workloads to the clouds—as in clouds, plural. For a multi-cloud strategy to be practical, a business application deployed on one public cloud should have the ability to move to another with ease and should not require a large migration project. Public and private clouds should be simply seen as resources, and enterprises should have the ability to move applications from one cloud to another with a simple command. Robin can help in this regard, enabling customers to more easily adopt the right hybrid or multi-cloud strategy that aligns with their business needs. In this webinar we will discuss:
*The need for multi-cloud portability
*Challenges with multi-cloud portability for stateful applications
*How Robin brings portability to complex applications – see it in action!
Ankur Desai, Director of Product Management,
Madhura Gaunekar, Principal Engineer,